Water purification system maintenance, Sewage system maintenance, Operation management of Water and Sewer services, Waste (sludge) collection and transportation
761-1 Hino-cho, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture
Cleaning of sewage tank of JMSDF and U.S. Navy vessels, Cleaning of oil separators at Camp Ainoura and Vice-camp Sakibe, JGSDF, Inspection of Sewage relay pump tank at Camp Ainoura, JGSDF, Maintenance of Purifying tank of Sasebo City’s facilities including elementary schools
Sasebo City’s License for the Sewage Purification Tank Cleaning: No. 224 of the city’s Environmental and Preservation instruction 3, Saikai City’s License for the Excretion Purification Tank Cleaning: No. 14 of the city’s Environmental Instruction, Nagasaki City’s License for the Sewage Purification Tank Cleaning: No. 67 of the city’s Environment Policy Instruction, Sasebo City’s License for the Sewage Purification Tank Inspection Business: No. 1-10 of Environmental and Preservation instruction 3, Nagasaki Prefecture’s License for the Sewage Purification Tank Maintenance and Inspection Business: Governor of Nagasaki No. 216 Nagasaki City’s License for the Sewage Purification Tank Maintenance and Inspection Business: No. 26, Sasebo City’s License for the General Waste Collection and Transportation: No. 67 of the city’s Waste Instruction, Saikai City’s License for the General Waste Collection and Transportation (Excretion and Purification of Tank Sludge): No. 52of the city’s Environmental Instruction Saikai City’s License for the General Waste Collection and Transportation (General Waste from Business Activities), No. 53 of the city’s Environmental Instruction Nagasaki City’s License for the General Waste Collection and Transportation: No. 372 Registered Contractor for Management of Sewage Treatment Facility: No. 22 of MLIT Nagasaki General Construction and Plumber License by Governor of Nagasaki: (General-4) No. 8839 Special Construction Business and Civil Engineering Works License by Governor of Nagasaki, (Special-4) No. 8839 Designated Contractor for the Sewage Drainage Facilities Works: No. 75 Sasebo City’s License for the Industrial Waste Collection and Transportation: 08011051544 Nagasaki Prefecture’s License for the Industrial Waste Collection and Transportation: 04200051544 Saga Prefecture’s License for the Industrial Waste Collection and Transportation: 04107051544 Worker Dispatching Undertaking License: Dispatch 42-300266
18 Purification Tank Maintenance Managers, Three First-Class Civil Engineering Works Execution Managing Engineers, One First-Class Plumbing Work Operation and Management Engineer, Nine Second-Class Qualified Certified Electricians, Eight Certified Third-Class Sewage System Technicians, Four Certified Sewage System Management Technicians (Piping facility), Five Certified Sewage System Management Technicians (Piping facility), 16 Large-sized Motor Vehicle Operators (Class 1), One Large-sized Motor Vehicle Operator (Class 2), Six Sewerage Management Technique Certificated personnel (for Pipeline Facility), Four Sewerage Management Technique Certificated personnel (for Treatment Facility)
JGSDF, Sasebo City, Saikai City, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Sasebo Heavy Industries, J-POWER Co., Ltd. Huis Ten Bosch Technical Center Co., Ltd.